Chalk Dinosaur smiling at the camera, dressed casually in a hoodie, with a backstage setting of equipment cases and a dimly lit environment in the background. His friendly expression contrasts with the industrial surroundings.

Chalk Dinosaur

Chalk Dinosaur Records

The music oscillates between groovy electronic music, funk, dance, and psychedelic rock. The discography is comprised of solo recordings and in recent years, collaborations with the live band. Some albums are instrumental and some are vocally centered. Some shows are solo electronic performances while others lean more funk and jam featuring the full band. Key electronic albums: Conscious, Bounce, Sunset, Flow State. Key solo albums: Word of the Soul, Song of an Eastern Wind, Passages, Fear or Love, Crystal Coast, Sediment, Follow Me. Key albums with the band or other collaborators: Spectrum, Sprout, With You, Chalk Dinosaur & Friends.

"The thing that I enjoy about Remixlive is being able to quickly try lots of different sound and rhythm combinations. Having loops sorted by key and tempo makes it easy to preview different combinations of arpeggios, chord progressions, leads, toplines, drum patterns, etc., which can lead to some cool discoveries that I wouldn't have made working in a more linear daw-like fashion."